Statistical Characteristics of Raindrop Size …

The characteristics of raindrop size distributions (DSDs) and vertical structures of rainfall during the Asian summer monsoon season in East China are studied using measurements from a ground ...

The Relationship Between Reflectivity and Rainfall Rate From Rain Size

The results show that the Z-R distribution is highly scattered and the scatter increases with RR and reflectivity up to 48 dBZ or 25 mm hr−1, after which it decreases rapidly. The range of the estimated RR from a power-law Z-R relationship can be as large as 50 mm hr−1 at reflectivity of 40 dBZ.

Drop size distribution observed by dual-frequency …

This study investigated the drop size distribution (DSD) observed by the Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) onboard the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) core satellite, which makes the world's first dual-frequency preciptation observations by space-borne radar. Four years have passed since the launch of the GPM core satellite, and ...

Observed size distribution changes in American lobsters …

Introduction. For the commercially fished American lobster, their size distribution is one of the most important life-history traits to determine the reproductive potential and growth of the population [1, 2].Monitoring these distributions is therefore important to develop adequate 2021fishing regulations, given that 50– of the legal …

Statistical Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distributions …

The rain parameters derived from the laser OTT second-generation Particle Size Velocity (Parsivel 2), the two-dimensional video disdrometer (2DVD), and DZZ5 tipping-bucket rain gauge (RG) during the Integrative Monsoon Frontal Rainfall Experiment (IMFRE) in summer 2018 are compared.The total rainfall amounts observed by Parsivel, …

Aerosol size distributions observed at the Seoul …

Abstract. Aerosol size distributions of observed mass concentration and number concentration at the Seoul National University (SNU) campus site in Korea …

Statistical characteristics of raindrop size …

Research Article. Free Access. Statistical characteristics of raindrop size distributions observed in East China during the Asian …

Altitudinal and temporal evolution of raindrop size distribution

Rain drop size distribution (DSD) measurements at different heights were made using a micro rain radar (MRR) at Thiruvananthapuram (latitude: 8.3° N, longitude: 76.9° E). Rain DSD data obtained from the MRR have been compared with a Joss–Waldvogel impact-type disdrometer (RD-80) deployed nearby and found to have good agreement.

Statistical Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distributions …

data from the MRR, if the rain rate observed by 2DVD is less than 0.1 mm h-1, it is then discarded as noise caused by non-precipitation echo. 2.2 Raindrop size distribution When the raindrop size distribution is given, the integral rainfall parameters including the radar reflectivity factor Z-(mm6 mm 3), rain rate R (mm h-1), liquid water

Particle Size Estimation and Distributions

The scattering pattern of a distribution of particle sizes is the same as the sum of the patterns of the individual particles in the distribution. The size distribution is back …

Statistical Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distributions and

Statistical characteristics of raindrop size distribution in the Meiyu season observed in eastern China. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan Series II, 91 (2), 215 – 227. https://doi ...

Size distribution of observed [IMAGE] | EurekAlert!

Science News Releases. Size distribution of observed and simulated exoplanets with radii smaller than five Earth radii (IMAGE) Max Planck Institute for Astronomy. Caption. The …

Observed changes in sea-ice floe size distribution during …

The size distribution of ice floes in the Antarctic sea-ice zone is an important parameter that affects both thermodynamic and dynamic sea-ice processes. ... The change in ice-floe size distribution observed in this study can be attributed to divergence and melt processes weakening the structure of ridges. The results show an important …

observed size distribution: Topics by

This paper examines observed size distributions in state and federal waters of offshore Texas. Results of the analysis demonstrate how the shape of the observable …

Variations in raindrop size distributions observed in mid …

The temporal variations in raindrop size distributions (RSDs) observed during the East-Asian summer monsoon have been considered for the statistical procedure called the principal component analysis (PCA). This statistical examination reveals the most important factors in the RSD's variations and helps to critically re-evaluate the known …

Statistical Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distribution in …

This study investigates the statistical characteristics of raindrop size distributions (DSDs) in monsoon season with observations collected by the second-generation Particle Size and Velocity (Parsivel2) disdrometer located in Zhuhai, southern China. The characteristics are quantified based on convective and stratiform precipitation classified …

The Relationship Between Reflectivity and Rainfall Rate From Rain Size

Functional fits to some observed drop size distributions and parameterization of rain. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 41 (9), 1648–1661.

Experimental study on the evolution of droplets size distribution

the number size distribution can be approximated by a bimodal log-normal size distribution with an aerosol mode centered at 10 0.4 µ m and fog droplet mode centered at 11 µ m.

Statistical characteristics of raindrop size distributions observed …

The characteristics of raindrop size distributions (DSDs) and vertical structures of rainfall during the Asian summer monsoon season in East China are studied using measurements from a ground‐based two‐dimensional video disdrometer (2DVD) and a vertically pointing Micro Rain Radar (MRR). Based on rainfall intensity and vertical …

(PDF) Aerosol size distributions observed at Naiman in the …

Aerosol size distributions of observed mass concentrations at the Naiman site in Inner Mongolia that is one of the major Asian dust source regions have been examined for the period from April 2010 ...

Quantification of Observed Electrical Effect on the Raindrop Size …

Composite raindrop size distribution (six events in each composite) at selected altitudes for strongly electrified and weakly electrified clouds as observed by MRR at (a) 2,400 m, (b) 1,200 m, (c) 600 m, and (d) at surface observed by JW disdrometer.

Size Distributions

Particle size influences a myriad of processes relevant to the distribution and reactivity of NMs in environmental and biological systems. 3 Size influences the solubility …

Chemical composition and size distributions of coastal aerosols

A typical bimodal mass-size distribution was observed, with the major peak from 0.36 µm to 0.56 µm and the minor one from 3.6 µm to 5.6 µm in diameters. Different individual components showed different mass-size distributions.

The Shape–Slope Relation in Observed Gamma Raindrop Size Distributions …

Abstract The three-parameter gamma distribution n(D) = N0Dµ exp(–ΛD) is often used to characterize a raindrop size distribution (DSD). The parameters µ and Λ correspond to the shape and slope of the DSD. If µ and Λ are related to one another, as recent disdrometer measurements suggest, the gamma DSD model is simplified, which …

Evolution of the Fog Droplet Size Distribution Observed by …

Scattering of a continuous wave He–Ne laser beam in artificial fog is observed by five photometers at different angles. The measured intensity of the light scattered in the different directions is related to a Γ-type spectral distribution of the droplet sizes during the various evolution stages of the fog. The artificial fog is produced in a 40-m3 chamber, where the …

Evaluation of Particle Size Distribution Metrics to …

The shape of the particle size distribution (PSD) is commonly modeled as a single‐slope power law in oceanographic studies, which can be used to further estimate …

Lightning and precipitation: The possible electrical …

The raindrop size distribution (RDSDs) corresponding to the lightning discharges with different discharge strength (magnitude of change of surface electric field, ΔE) observed over the AEO, Pune. The four reported thunderstorms were observed on 22 May, 3–4 June, 2 and 9 September 2008.

Drop size distribution observed by dual-frequency …

Drop size distribution observed by dual-frequency precipitation radar onboard global precipitation measurement core satellite Submitted by LisaN on Fri, 06/26/2020 Publication Year

Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distributions in Chongqing Observed …

An important way to understand the physics of precipitation is to understand particle size distributions, for example, raindrop size distribution (RSD). RSD observations in an inland municipality, Chongqing, China, were collected from …

Observed and Bin Model Simulated Evolution of Drop Size Distributions

Comparison of observed (red lines) and modeled (black lines) DSDs from one realization of the CONTROL simulation. Each black line corresponds to an individual droplet size distribution in a model grid volume and includes all grids within 0.5°C of the indicated temperature leg with L c ≥ 0.1 g m −3. Green lines show median values from …

Remote Sensing | Free Full-Text | Particle Size Distribution …

Because measuring individual particle size remains challenging, the particle size distribution function (PSD) can be used to count particle size frequency in given size classes . The PSD can affect the scattering properties of polydispersion in seawater once a specific size range (lower and upper size) is chosen [ 12, 13 ].

Analysis of the microstructure and morphology of

Fig. 2 (A) reveals that such a classification is effective as three distinct peaks of particle size distribution can be observed in A1, A2, and A3 curves. A1 displays the smallest particle size, with an equivalent average sphere diameter of around 300 nm. This value is higher than that of the pores of the filter membrane used in the separation ...

Size distribution of PM20 observed to the north of the …

The mass concentration of dust (PM 20) was measured with a 10-stage quartz crystal microbalance cascade impactor. The results suggested that 91.9% of the particles were less than 1.4 µm on clear-days, and particles of d ≥ 1.4 µm increased to 27.2% with the occurrence of the dust events.

The Relationship Between Reflectivity and Rainfall Rate From Rain Size

Raindrop size distributions collected by the DROPLET MEASUREMENT TECHNOLogies Precipitation imaging probe from 17 flights through 6 hurricanes during National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's hurricane field program in 2020 are used to study reflectivity (Z) and rainfall rate (RR) (R) relationship (i.e., Z-R …

Evolution of particle concentration and size …

Modifications of the number size distributions between 60 and 300 nm particle diameter that are attributed to cloud processing were observed comparing upwind and …